Antonym | Name | Rank |
Computing | Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and | C |
Functions | ECRYPT Workshop on Cryptographic Hash | C |
Cryptanalysis | ECRYPT Workshop on Tools for | C |
Benelux | Symposium on Information Theory in the | C |
Cryptography | The Claude Shannon Workshop on Coding and | C |
3DIM | 3 D Digital Imaging and Modelling | C |
3DPVT | International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission | C |
3G | International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies | C |
AAAC | International Workshop on Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications AAA IDEA C 0806 Information Systems 44077 Symposium of Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation | C |
AAIM | Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management | C |
ACAC | Athens Colloquium on Algorithms and Complexity | C |
ACAC | Australasian Computer Architecture Conference | C |
ACAI | Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence | C |
ACC | Applied Computing Conference | C |
ACCMCC | Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing | C |
ACEC | Australasian Computers in Education Conference | C |
ACG | Workshop on Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Geometry | C |
ACHI | International Conference on Advances in Computer Human Interactions | C |
ACID | Algorithms and Complexity in Durham | C |
ACII | International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent | C |
ACMA | Australasian Computer Music Conference | C |
ACNN | Australian Conference on Neural Networks | C |
ACOSM | Australian Conference on Software Metrics | C |
ACP4IS | Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Paberns for Infrastructure Software | C |
ACS | Australian Supercomputing Conference | C |
ADVIS | Advances in Information Systems | C |
AFAANZ | Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference | C |
AFIPS | American Federation of Information Processing Societies | C |
AFRIGRAPH | International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa | C |
AGDC | Australian Game Developers Conference | C |
AICCSA | ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications | C |
AICE | Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference | C |
AIKM | Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management | C |
AIPR | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pabern Recognition | C |
AIRS | Asia Information Retrieval Symposium | C |
AIS | Advances in Intelligent Systems | C |
AISAT | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology | C |
AISP | Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy | C |
AISW | Workshop on Australasian Information Security, Data Mining and Web Intelligence, and Software Internationalisation | C |
AISW PET | Australasian Information Security Workshop 2007 (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) | C |
AITC | Advances in the Theory of Computing | C |
AJWIES | Australia Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems | C |
AKAW | Australian Knowledge Acquisition Workshop | C |
ALICE | SIAM Workshop on Algorithms for Listing, Counting, and Enumeration | C |
ALPIT | International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology | C |
AMAST | Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology | C |
AmI | European Conference on Ambient Intelligence | C |
AMIGE | IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises | C |
Aml.d | Ambient Intelligence Developments | C |
AMOC | Asian International Mobile Computing Conference | C |
AMS | Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation | C |
ANNES | Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems | C |
ANSS | Annual Simulation Symposium | C |
ANZAM | Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference | C |
ANZIIS | Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference | C |
ANZMAC | Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference | C |
ANZMODS | The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Meeting | C |
AO Asia | Aspect Orientation Asia | C |
AOIR | Internet Research | C |
AOM | Workshop on Aspect Oriented Modelling | C |
AOSE | Agent Oriented Software Engineering Workshop | C |
APDSI | Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference | C |
APGV | Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization | C |
APNOMS | Asia Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium | C |
APORS | Conference of the Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies | C |
APRSAIS | Asia Pacific Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems | C |
APRTS | Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real Time Systems | C |
APSCC | Asia Pacific Services Computing Conference | C |
APSEC | Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference | C |
APVIS | Asia Pacific Symposium on Visualisation | C |
APWEB | Asia Pacific Web Conference | C |
AQSDT | Symposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev Tools | C |
ARACNE | Workshop on Approximation and Randomization Algorithms in Communication Networks | C |
ARITH | IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic | C |
AROB | International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics | C |
ARTDB | Active and Real Time Database Systems | C |
ArtsIT | International Conference on Arts and Technology | C |
ARVLSI | Advanced Research in VLSI | C |
ASAI | Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence | C |
ASCILITE | Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education | C |
ASCM | Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics | C |
ASM(W) | International Workshop on Abstract State Machines | C |
ASR | ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop Automatic Speech Recognition | C |
ASRU | IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop | C |
AST | Automation of Software Test | C |
ATC | International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing | C |
ATMOS | Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems | C |
AUC | Workshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous computing | C |
AUCADC | Apple University Consortium Academic and Developers Conference | C |
AuCSS | Australasian Cognitive Science Society Conference | C |
AURISA | Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Conference | C |
AuRW | Australasian Refinement Workshop | C |
AusGrid | Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e Research (now AusPDC) | C |
AusPDC | Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (was AusGrid) | C |
AusWeb | Australian World Wide Web Conference | C |
AUUG | Australian UNIX Users Group National Conference | C |
AWIC | International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference | C |
AWSA | Australian Workshop on Software Architecture | C |
BCS FMW | British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group Workshop | C |
BCTCS | British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science | C |
BFCA | International Workshop on Boolean Functions: Cryptography and Applications | C |
BIBE | IEEE Bioinformatics and Bioengineering | C |
BICC | IFIP Conference on Biologically Inspired Collaborative Computing | C |
BioViz | Bioinformatics Visualization | C |
BPD | International Workshop on Business Process Design | C |
BPI | International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence | C |
BPMDS | International Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support | C |
BSN | Body Sensor Networks | C |
BuiltViz | Visualisation in Built Environment | C |
C# | International Workshop on C# and .NET Technologies | C |
C5 | International Conference on Creating Connecting and Collaborating through Computing | C |
CAINE | ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering | C |
CAivDE | Computer Animation, Information Visualisation, and Digital Effects | C |
CanaDAM | Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference | C |
CATA | International Conference on Computers and their Applications | C |
CCA | International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis | C |
CCCG | Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry | C |
CCG | Workshop on Computational and Conformal Geometry | C |
CCSC | Journal of Computing Science in Colleges (Conference proceedings) | C |
CDB | Constraint Databases and Applications | C |
CDVE | Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering | C |
CEC | IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology (merger of CEC and EEE) | C |
CEG | Computing in Education Group of Victoria Conference | C |
CERE | International Workshop on Comparative Evaluation in Requirements Engineering | C |
CERIAS | Information Security Symposium | C |
CFET | International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training | C |
CFP | Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy | C |
CGA | Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications | C |
CGAL | CGAL User Workshop | C |
CGC | CGC Workshop on Computational Geometry | C |
CGIE | Joint International Conference on CyberGames and Interactive Entertainment | C |
CGIV | International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization | C |
CGTDG | Conference on Graph Theory and Discrete Geometry | C |
CGW | Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry | C |
CHES | Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | C |
ChiliPLoP | Southwestern Conference on Pabern Languages of Programs | C |
ChinaGrid | ChinaGrid Annual Conference | C |
CHINZ | ACM SIGCHI_NZ Conference on Human Computer Interaction | C |
CHKV | Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation | C |
CIAC | International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (was Italian Conference ) | C |
CIARP | IberoAmerican Congress on Pabern Recognition | C |
CIC | International Conference on Communications in Computing | C |
CiE | Computability in Europe: Logic and Theory of Algorithms | C |
CIEAEM | Conference of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des Mathematiques | C |
CIG | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games | C |
CIHSPS | IEEE International Conference on Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety | C |
CIISP | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing | C |
CIMA | International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications | C |
CIMCA | International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation | C |
CIMSA | IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications | C |
CIRAS | International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems | C |
CIS | IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems | C |
CIS | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security | C |
CISE | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering | C |
CISIM | International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications | C |
CISIS | International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems | C |
CISS | Conference on Information Sciences and Systems | C |
CISST | International Conference Imaging Science, Systems and Technology | C |
CIT | IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology | C |
CLADE | Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments | C |
CLEI | Latin American Conference on Informatics | C |
CloudCom | International Conference on Cloud Computing | C |
CMS | Joint Working Conference on Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia Security | C |
CMV | Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization | C |
CNNA | IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications | C |
CO | International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimisation | C |
CODAS | International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications | C |
CODATA | Commibee on Data for Science and Technology | C |
Com | International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networks, Applications and Worksharing Collaborate | C |
ComAI | Franco Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms | C |
Texas | CombinaTexas: Combinatorics in the South Central U.S. Combina | C |
Complex | Asia Pacific Conference on Complex Systems | C |
D | Australasian Compumod Users' Conference COMPUMO | C |
COMSWARE | International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware | C |
CONPAR | Conference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing | C |
CONTEXT | International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modelling and Using Context | C |
COR | Conference on Operations Research | C |
CORIA | Conf??rence en Recherche d'information et Applications | C |
Cosign | International Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media | C |
COV | Complex Objects Visualization Workshop | C |
CPD | Constraint Programming Day | C |
CRiSIS | International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems | C |
CRITIS | International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security | C |
CRV | Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision | C |
CryPAC | Cryptography Policy and Algorithms Conference | C |
s | Crypto'Puces Crypto'Puce | C |
CSC | ACM Annual Computer Science Conference | C |
CSEEtiT | Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training | C |
CSICC | International CSI Computer Conference | C |
CSL | Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic | C |
CSMR | European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering | C |
CSR | International Computer Science Symposium in Russia | C |
CSRC | Computer Science Research Conference | C |
CT | Computational Topology Workshop | C |
CTAC | Computational Techniques and Applications Conference | C |
CTS | International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems | C |
CTW | Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization | C |
DAARC | Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium | C |
DAC | Digital Arts and Culture | C |
DAG | Discrete and Algorithmic Geometry | C |
DASC | International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing | C |
DASD | Symposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems | C |
DASWIS | Data Semantics in Web Information Systems | C |
DAViz | Design and Aesthetics in Visualisation | C |
DC | International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications | C |
DCM | International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models | C |
Dcw | Distributed Communities on the Web Workshop | C |
DDDM | International Workshop on Domain Driven Data Mining | C |
DECI | IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging | C |
DEPCoS | International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems | C |
DFMA | International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications | C |
DGCI | International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery | C |
DGW | Dynamic Graph Workshop | C |
DIGRA | Digital Games Research Conference | C |
DIMA | Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and their Application | C |
Intrinsic | DIMACS Workshop on Intrinsic Complexity of Computation DIMACS | C |
DIMVA | GI International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment | C |
DITW | Internationale Tagung WirtschaGsinformatik | C |
DIVC | Joint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing | C |
DM | SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics | C |
DM CCG | Discrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation and Geometry | C |
DMDW | Design and Management of Data Warehouses | C |
DMKD | Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | C |
DMVC | VisMasters Design Modelling and Visualization Conference | C |
DP COOL | Workshop on Declarative Programming in the Context of OO Languages | C |
DRM | ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop | C |
DSAA | International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications | C |
DSAL | Domain Specific Aspect Languages | C |
DSI | Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute | C |
DSKDB | International Colloquium on Data Sciences, Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence | C |
DSLSE | Domain Specific Languages for Software Engineering | C |
DSM | Workshop on Domain Specific Modelling | C |
DTVE | Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises | C |
DutchCG | Dutch Computational Geometry Day | C |
EANN | International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks | C |
Aspects | Workshop on Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Early | C |
ECC | European Computing Conference | C |
ECC | Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography | C |
ECCO | European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization | C |
ECDM | International Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data Management | C |
ECEG | European Conference on e Government | C |
ECIME | European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation | C |
ECIW | European Conference of Information Warfare | C |
ECOWS | IEEE European Conference on Web Services | C |
ECRM | European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies | C |
ECSQARU | European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty | C |
ECUMN | European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks | C |
EDM | Symposium on Discrete Mathematics | C |
EDSER | International Workshop on Economics Driven Software Engineering Research | C |
EEE | IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E Commerce and E Services | C |
EGC | French Speaking Conference on the Extraction and Management of Knowledge | C |
EGC | Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry | C |
EGEE | Enabling Grids for E Science European Conference | C |
EICAR | European Institute for Computer Anti Virus Research EICAR Conference | C |
EISWT | International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies | C |
EJC | European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases | C |
ELW | European Lisp Workshop | C |
EMMSAD | Exploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design | C |
ENC | Mexican International Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science (was Mexican International Conference on Computer Science) | C |
ENTER | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism | C |
EOMAS | International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modelling and Simulation | C |
EP | Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming | C |
EQIS | ERATO Conference on Quantum Information Science | C |
ESAS | European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks | C |
ESCAPE | Symposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies | C |
ESGICT | European Symposium on Gender and ICT | C |
EUC | IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing | C |
EUFIT | European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and SoG Computing | C |
EUMAS | European Workshop on Multi Agent Systems | C |
EURO | European Conference on Operations Research | C |
VR | Euro Virtual Reality Euro | C |
EuroCG | European Workshop on Computational Geometry | C |
EuroCOLT | European Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Now in COLT) | C |
EUroComb | EuroConference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications | C |
PI | European PVM/MPI Users' Group Conference EuroPVM/M | C |
EVOTE | International Conference on Electronic Voting | C |
EVT | USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop | C |
Extreme | Extreme Markup Languages | C |
F and B | Finite Differences Finite Elements Finite Volumes Boundary Elements | C |
FATES | A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software | C |
FCC | Formal and Computational Cryptography | C |
FCST | Japan China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology | C |
FDG | International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games | C |
FDL | Forum on Specification, Verification and Design Languages | C |
FDPE | Functional and Declarative Programming in Education | C |
FDTC | Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography | C |
FEWFDB | Far East Workshop on Future DB Systems | C |
FG | IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition | C |
FIT | International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology | C |
FlAIRS | Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference | C |
FMICS | Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems | C |
FMIS | International Workshop on Formal Methods for interactive Systems | C |
FMLDO | International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects | C |
FMOOD | International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object Based Distributed Systems | C |
FMP | Formal Methods Pacific | C |
FMPPTA | International Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming: Theory and Applications | C |
FMSE | ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to Code | C |
FMSEDS | Formal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems Workshop | C |
FOAL | Foundations of Aspect Oriented Languages | C |
FOOL | International Workshop on Foundations of Object Oriented Languages | C |
FOSSACS | Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures | C |
FQAS | Flexible Query Answering Systems | C |
FSKD | International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge | C |
FTDCS | IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems | C |
FTJP | Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs | C |
FUSE | New Zealand Game Developers Conference | C |
FUSION | International Conference on Information Fusion | C |
GADA | International Conference on Grid computing, high performance and Distributed Applications | C |
y | MSRI Combinatorial Game Theory Research Workshop GameTheor | C |
GCA | International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications | C |
GCC | International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing | C |
GCCCE | Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education | C |
GDC | Game Developers Conference | C |
GEFS | International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems | C |
GeoD | SIAM Conference on Geometric Design | C |
Uncertainty | Workshop on Uncertainty in Geometric Computations GEOM | C |
GeomFest | Geometry Festival: An international workshop on Discrete Geometry and Rigidity | C |
GeoViz | GeoVisualization and Information Visualization | C |
GHC | Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing | C |
GI | IEEE Global Internet Symposium | C |
GISPlanet | GIS Planet Conference | C |
GO | International Workshop on Global Optimization | C |
GOCP | International Workshop on Group Oriented Cryptographic Protocols | C |
GPC | International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing | C |
GRACO | Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics | C |
Graph hoc | Workshop on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks | C |
GrC | IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing | C |
GWC | International Wordnet Conference (Global Wordnet Conference) | C |
HAI | International Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human Oriented Knowledge and Applications | C |
HAIS | International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems | C |
HASKELL | Haskell Workshop | C |
HealthCom | International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care Industry | C |
Healthinf | International Conference on Health Informatics | C |
HIC | Health Informatics Conference | C |
HIPS | International Workshop on High Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments | C |
HIS | International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems | C |
HIS | Human System Interaction | C |
HLPP | International workshop on High Level Parallel Programming and Applications | C |
HOTMOBILE | Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications | C |
HotP2P | International Workshop on Hot topics in Peer to Peer Systems | C |
HotSWUp | ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades | C |
HPCSCanada | High Performance Computing Symposium Canada | C |
HPGrid | High Performance Grid Computing Workshop (part of IPDPS Conference) | C |
HPSC | International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing | C |
HUNABC | Hungarian National Conference on Agent Based Computation | C |
IAIF | International Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion | C |
IAIM | Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information Management | C |
IARTW | IEEE International Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop | C |
IAS | International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security | C |
IAT | IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology | C |
IBPRIA | Iberian Conference on Pabern Recognition and Image Analysis | C |
IC AI | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence | C |
IC3K | International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management | C |
ICAART | International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence | C |
ICAIL | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law | C |
ICAIS | IEEE International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems | C |
ICAISC | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and SoG Computing | C |
ICANNGA | International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms | C |
ICAPRDT | International Conference on Advances in Pabern Recognition and Digital Techniques | C |
ICCAM | International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics | C |
ICCBR | International Conference on Case Based Reasoning Research and Development | C |
ICCBSS | IEEE International Conference on COTS Based Software Systems | C |
ICCC | IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics | C |
ICCC | International Conference on Chinese Computing | C |
ICCCI | International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems | C |
ICCHP | International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs | C |
ICCI | IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics | C |
ICCIMA | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia | C |
ICCIT | International Conference on Computer and Information Technology | C |
ICCM | International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians | C |
ICCP | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing | C |
ICCSA | International Conference on Computational Science and Applications | C |
ICCTA | International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications | C |
ICDCIT | International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies | C |
ICDS | International Conference on Digital Society | C |
ICEC | International Conference on Evolutionary Computation | C |
ICEC | International Conference on Entertainment Computing | C |
ICEComm | International Conference on Electronic Commerce | C |
ICEIMT | International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Technology | C |
ICEIS | International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems | C |
ICES | International Conference on Computational Engineering Science | C |
ICETE | International Joint Conference on e Business and Telecommunications | C |
ICFCA | International Conference Formal Concept Analysis Conference | C |
ICGSE | IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering | C |
ICHIT | International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology | C |
ICICSE | International Conference on Internet Computing in Science and Engineering | C |
ICICT | International Conference on Information and Communications Technology | C |
ICICTE | International Conference on International and Communication Technologies | C |
ICIET | International Conference on Information and Emerging Technologies | C |
ICIG | International Conference on Image and Graphics | C |
ICIL | International Conference on Intelligent Systems | C |
ICIMP | International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protocol | C |
ICISP | International Conference on Image and Signal Processing | C |
ICITA | International Conference on Information Technology and Applications | C |
ICITS | International Conference on Information Theoretic Security | C |
ICIW | International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services | C |
ICM | International Congress of Mathematicians | C |
ICMB | International Conference on Mobile Business | C |
ICMLA | International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications | C |
ICMLC | International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics | C |
ICMSO | International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation | C |
ICMV | International Conference on Machine Vision | C |
ICNC | International Conference on Natural Computation | C |
ICO | SIGOPT International Conference on Optimization | C |
ICOCI | International Conference on Computing and Informatics | C |
ICOTA | International Conference on Optimization: Techniques And Applications | C |
ICPC | International Conference on Program Comprehension (was IWPC) | C |
ICPCA | International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications | C |
ICPS | International Conference on Pervasive Services | C |
ICSEA | International Conference on Software Engineering Advances | C |
ICSLP | International Conference on Spoken Language Processing | C |
ICSRIC | International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics | C |
ICSSEA | International Conference Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications | C |
ICST | International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation | C |
ICTBM | International Conference on Technology and Business Management | C |
ICTCS | Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science | C |
ICTD | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies Development | C |
ICVS | International Conference on Computer Vision Systems | C |
ICVS | International Conference on Virtual Storytelling | C |
ICWE | International Conference on Web Engineering | C |
IDC | International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications | C |
IDEAL | International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning | C |
IDEAW | Integrated Data Environments Australia Workshop | C |
IDET | International Workshop on Interactive Entertainment | C |
IDV | Intelligence Tools, Data Mining, Visualization | C |
IEA/AIE | International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems | C |
IEE | Informatics Education Europe | C |
ADPRL | IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning IEEE | C |
CISched | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling IEEE | C |
CIAA | IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Applications IEEE | C |
CIB | IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications IEEE | C |
CIBCB | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology IEEE | C |
CICA | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation IEEE | C |
CICS | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security IEEE | C |
CIDM | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining IEEE | C |
CIFEr | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering IEEE | C |
CIIP | IEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Image Processing IEEE | C |
CIMSVP | IEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing IEEE | C |
CISDA | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications IEEE | C |
CIVE | IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Virtual Environments IEEE | C |
CIVI | IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence IEEE | C |
CIWS | IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems IEEE | C |
DEST | IEEE International Conference on Digital EcoSystems and Technologies Conference IEEE | C |
ESDIS | IEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self Developing Intelligent Systems IEEE | C |
HIMA | IEEE Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications IEEE | C |
IA | IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents IEEE | C |
ICIA | IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation IEEE | C |
IRI | IEEE International Conference on Information Integration and Reuse IEEE | C |
IS | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IEEE | C |
MCDM | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi Criteria Decision Making IEEE | C |
NLP KE | Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering IEEE | C |
OC | IEEE Workshop on Organic Computing IEEE | C |
RiiSS | IEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space IEEE | C |
SIS | IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium IEEE | C |
VAST | IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology IEEE | C |
WEAH | IEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware IEEE | C |
WOMA | IEEE Workshop on Memetic Algorithms IEEE | C |
IFAWC | International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing | C |
TCS | IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science IFIP | C |
TM | Joint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and Security IFIP | C |
IGARSS | IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | C |
IH | International Workshop on Information Hiding | C |
IICISA | International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications | C |
IICS | Innovative Internet Computer Systems | C |
IIWAS | Information Integration and Web based Applications and Services | C |
IKE | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering | C |
M | International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications IMMERSCO | C |
IMS | International Conference on Advanced Information Management | C |
IMVIP | International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference | C |
INAP | International Conference on Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management | C |
INC | International Conference on Networked Computing | C |
INET | Internet Society Conference | C |
INEX | International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval | C |
INFH | Workshop on Information Hiding | C |
Processing | IFIP Congress (Information Processing) Information | C |
InfVis | Information Visualisation Theory and Practice | C |
INISTA | International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications | C |
INMIC | IEEE International Multioptic Conference | C |
INOC | International Network Optimization Conference | C |
InSITE | Informing Science and Information Technology Education | C |
Interaction | Interaction | C |
INTEROP | Interoperating Geographic Information Systems | C |
INTUITION | INTUITION International Conference | C |
IOLTS | IEEE International On Line Testing Symposium | C |
IPC | International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing | C |
IPMU | International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty | C |
IPythC | International Python Conference | C |
IRIS | Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia | C |
ISA | International Conference on Information Security and Assurance | C |
ISADS | International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems | C |
ISAGA | Conference for the International Simulation and Gaming Association | C |
ISAS | International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis | C |
ISAVIIA | International Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent Applications | C |
ISBE | Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference | C |
ISC | International Supercomputing Conference | C |
ISC | Industrial Simulation Conference | C |
ISCEng | International Conference on Systems Engineering | C |
ISCIS | International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences | C |
ISDA | International Conference on Intelligent Systems Designs and Applications | C |
ISDPE | International Symposium on Data, privacy and E Commerce | C |
ISDSS | Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems | C |
ISFST | International Symposium on Future Software Technology | C |
ISGC | International Symposium on Grid Computing | C |
ISI | IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics | C |
ISICT | International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies | C |
ISIP | International Symposium on Information Processing | C |
ISM | IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia | C |
ISMIS | International Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent Systems | C |
ISNN | International Symposium on Neural Networks | C |
ISoLA | International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation | C |
ISORC | IEEE International Symposium on Object Oriented Real Time Distributed Computing | C |
ISOTAS | International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software | C |
ISPASS | IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software | C |
ISPDC | International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing | C |
ISSA | International Symposium on Static Analysis | C |
ISSS | International Symposium on System Synthesis | C |
ISTAS | International Symposium on Technology and Society | C |
ISVC | International Symposium on Visual Computing | C |
ISVD | International Symposium on Voronoi diagrams in Science and Engineering | C |
ISW | Information Security Workshop | C |
ITCC | International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing | C |
ITI | International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces | C |
ITiRA | International Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference | C |
ITIS | Symposium on Information Technology and Information Systems | C |
iTrust | International Conference on Trust Management | C |
IV App | Applications of Information Visualization | C |
IVBI | Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics | C |
IVE | Information Visualization Evaluation | C |
IWMMDBMS | Int. Workshop on Multi Media Data Base Management Systems | C |
IWAAG | The International Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs | C |
IWACO | International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership | C |
IWC | International Web Conference | C |
IWCIA | International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: Theory and Applications | C |
IWDOM | International Workshop on Distributed Object Management | C |
IWDW | International Workshop on Digital Watermarking | C |
IWIA | International Workshop on Intelligent Agents | C |
IWICSS | International Workshop on Incorporating COTS Software into Software Systems, Tools and Techniques | C |
IWKDDS | International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams | C |
IWPC | International Workshop on Program Comprehension (now ICPC) | C |
IWPT | International Workshop on Parsing Technologies | C |
IWSM | International Workshop in Software Measurement | C |
IWSP | International Workshop on Security Protocols | C |
IWSPM | International Workshop on Software Product Management | C |
IWSTAR | International Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality Systems | C |
IWUVR | International Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality | C |
JAC | Symposium on Cellular Automata | C |
JADT | International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data | C |
DW) | Chilean Database Workshop JCC/WBD(C | C |
JCCGG | Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs | C |
JCDCG | Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry | C |
JCIS | Joint Conference on Information Sciences | C |
JFPLC | International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming | C |
JGA | French Journ??es de G??om??trie Algorithmique | C |
JH | Japanese Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications | C |
JHPC | Workshop On Java For High Performance Computing | C |
JURIX | International Conference on Legal Knowledge based Systems | C |
KAW | Knowledge Acquisition, Modelling and Management Workshop | C |
KDDMBD | Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting | C |
KDEEW | IEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop | C |
KDEX | Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop | C |
KDViz | Knowledge Domain Visualisation | C |
KEOD | International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology | C |
AMSTA | International KES Symposium on Agents and Multiagent systems Technologies and Applications KES | C |
IDT | KES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies KES | C |
IIMSS | International Symposium on Intelligent and Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services KES | C |
KI | German Conference on Artificial Intelligence | C |
KIES | International Conference on Knowledge based Intelligent Electronic Systems | C |
KoalaPLoP | Australasian Conference on Pabern Languages of Programs | C |
KRDB | Knowledge Representation Meets Databases | C |
KV | Knowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking | C |
KyotoCGGT | Kyoto International Conference on Computational Geometry and Graph Theory | C |
LtiL | Workshop on Logic and Learning | C |
LA WEB | Latin American Web Congress | C |
LAGOS | Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium | C |
LARC | NASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop | C |
LATA | International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications | C |
LCCS | International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science | C |
LCI | International Conference on High Performance Clustered Computing (International Conference on Linux Clusters) | C |
LI | Law via the Internet | C |
S | Workshop on Localized Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks LOCALALGO | C |
MAAMAW | European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi Agent World | C |
MABS | International Workshop on MultiAgent Based Simulation | C |
MACIS | MACIS: International Conference of Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences | C |
MADYMO | Australian MADYMO Users Meeting | C |
Massive | Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics | C |
MathInfo | Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities | C |
MATLAB | Australian MATLAB Conference | C |
MCA:AS | Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems (was Multimedia Content Analysis, Management and Retrieval) | C |
MCDA | Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and Applications | C |
MDDS | Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems | C |
MDM | International Conference on Mobile Data Management | C |
MDSRIA | International Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and Applications | C |
MediVis | International Conference on Medical Information Visualisation | C |
MENSURA | International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement | C |
MEWS | Mining for Enhanced Web Search | C |
MGC | International Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing | C |
MIGHTY | Mid West Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, and Computing | C |
MISE | International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering | C |
MMDB | ACM International Workshop On Multimedia Databases | C |
MMICS | Mathematical Methods in Computer Science | C |
MMM | International Conference on Multimedia Modelling | C |
MobiDE | Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access | C |
MODSIM | International Congress on Modelling and Simulation | C |
MOPTA | Modelling and Optimization: Theory and Applications | C |
MOVEP | Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes | C |
MOVIX | International Workshop on Modelling and Visualization of XML and Semantic Web Data | C |
MPOOL | Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages | C |
MSAS | SPIE International Conference on Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems | C |
MSR | IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories | C |
MSST | IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies | C |
MSVVEIS | International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems | C |
MTNS | International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems | C |
MUSE | International Workshop on Metamodelling Utilization in Software Engineering | C |
MVA | Machine Vision Applications | C |
MVSP | Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing Symposium | C |
NACCQ | National Advisory Commibee on Computing Qualifications | C |
NACLP | North American Conference on Logic Programming | C |
NAFIPS | North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference | C |
NAISO | NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems | C |
NATOSE | NATO Conference on Software engineering | C |
NCCIS | National Conference on Computer and Information Systems | C |
NDB | National Database Conference (China) | C |
NeMLaP | Joint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning | C |
NFM | The Northern Formal Methods Workshops | C |
NGDB | International Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and Applications | C |
NGDM | National Science Foundation symposium on Next Generation Data Mining and Cyber Enabled Discovery for Innovation (was.NSF workshop on Next Generation Data Mining) | C |
NHIC | National Health Informatics Conference | C |
NISDIC | Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing | C |
NISS | International Conference on New Trends of Information and Service Science | C |
NISSC | National Information Systems Security Conference (was National Computer Security Conference) | C |
NLDB | Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases | C |
NNSP | IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing | C |
NORDCHI | Norwegian Computer Human Interaction | C |
NordSec | Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems | C |
NPC | IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing | C |
NPSC | International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations | C |
NRAC | International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change | C |
NRDM | Workshop on Network Related Data Management | C |
NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop | C |
NWESP | International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices | C |
OASIS | Organisations and Society in Information Systems Workshop | C |
ODSA | Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms | C |
OLA | Workshop on On Line Algorithms | C |
Onward | Onward Software Engineering | C |
OODBS | Workshop on Object Oriented Database Systems | C |
OP | SIAM Conference on Optimization | C |
Ordal | Conference on Orders, Algorithms and Applications | C |
ORPA | Conference on Operational Research Practice in Africa | C |
OTA | Optimization: Techniques And Applications | C |
P2P | IEEE International Conference on Peer to Peer Computing | C |
Econ | Workshop on Economics of Peer to Peer Systems P2P | C |
PAAM | Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi Agent Technology Conference | C |
PADD | Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging ACM/ONR | C |
PADO | Symposium on Programs as Data Objects | C |
Pairing | International Conference on Pairing based Cryptography | C |
PAP/PACT | Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint Technology | C |
PARCO | Parallel Computing | C |
PAWEC | Pacific Asia Workshop on Electronic Commerce | C |
PC | Workshop on Physics and Computation | C |
PCM | Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia | C |
PCW | International Parallel Computing Workshop | C |
PDIS | Parallel and Distributed Information Systems | C |
PDK | Processing Declarative Knowledge, International Workshop | C |
PDP | Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network Based Processing | C |
PGT | Workshop on Probabilistic Graph Theory | C |
PIA | Workshop on New Technologies for Personalized Information Access | C |
PKI | Annual PKI RtiD Workshop | C |
PLAN X | Programming Language Techniques for XML | C |
PLATE | Practices of Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution | C |
PPAM | International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics | C |
PPCIS | Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems | C |
PPPJ | Principles and Practice of Programming in Java | C |
PQCrypt | International Workshop on Post Quantum Cryptography | C |
PRIMA | International Conference on Principles of Practice in Multi Agent Systems | C |
PRIS | International Workshop on Pabern Recognition in Information Systems | C |
PRO VE | IFIP Working Conferences on Virtual Enterprises | C |
PSB | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing | C |
PSC | Prague Stringology Conference | C |
PSD | Privacy in Statistical Databases | C |
PSOR | International Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational Research | C |
PST | Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust | C |
PVW | Program Visualization Workshop | C |
QIP | Workshop on Quantum Information Processing | C |
QOIS | International Workshop on Quality of Information Systems | C |
QuantCom | International Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum Computation | C |
Cryptology | International Workshop on the Sate of the Art in Cryptology and New Challenges Ahead Quo Vadis | C |
RAITA | International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology and Applications | C |
RAM SE | Reflection, AOP and Meta Data for Software Evolution | C |
RANLP | International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing | C |
RAOOL | Relationships and Associations in Object Oriented Languages | C |
RBAC | ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control (now SACMAT) | C |
REBSE | International Workshop on Realising Evidence based Software Engineering | C |
RelMiCS | International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science | C |
RFIDSec | Conference on RFID Security | C |
ROGICS | International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer Science | C |
RSCTC | International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing | C |
RSP | IEEE Symposium on Rapid Prototyping | C |
RTDB | Workshop on Real Time Databases | C |
RuleML | International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web | C |
RV | Workshop on Runtime Verification | C |
SACI | International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics | C |
SACMAT | Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, ACM (was RBAC) | C |
SAGA | Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and Applications | C |
SAICSIT | Conference of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists | C |
SAIGTC | South African International Graph Theory Conference | C |
SAINT | International Symposium on Applications and the Internet | C |
SAMI | International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics | C |
SAMT | International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies | C |
SAR SSI | Conference on Security in Network Architectures and Information Systems | C |
SASC | State of the Art of Stream Ciphers | C |
SBBD | Brazilian Symposium on Databases | C |
SBSEG | Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computer Systems Security | C |
SCAM | IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation | C |
SCC | Southern Conference on Computing | C |
SCCG | Spring Conference on Computer Graphics | C |
SCCGIV | SoG Computing in Computer Graphics, Imaging, and Vision | C |
SCW | IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding | C |
SDH | International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling | C |
SE | International IEEE Workshop on Software Evolvability | C |
SE HPC | International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing Applications | C |
SEAA | Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications | C |
Search | Search: Workshop on Search, Sorting and Coding | C |
SEBD | Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems | C |
SEE | The Conference on visualization of information | C |
SEET | Software Engineering Education and Training Conference | C |
SELCRYP | Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography | C |
SERA | ACIS Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications | C |
SETE | Systems Engineering / Test and Evaluation Conference | C |
SETN | Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence | C |
SETP | International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice | C |
SEViz | Visualization in Software Engineering | C |
SEW | IEEE Software Engineering Workshop | C |
SFP | Scolsh Functional Programming Workshop | C |
SGAI | SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence | C |
SHARCS | Special purpose Hardware for Abacking Cryptographic Systems | C |
SIBGRAPI | Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing | C |
SIDEKIC | Workshop on Scientific Knowledge, Information, and Computing | C |
SIEDS | IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium | C |
SIGdial | SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialog | C |
SIGIR/XML | ACM SIGIR Workshop on XML and Information Retrieval | C |
SIGITE | ACM Information Technology Education | C |
SIGLEX | Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation | C |
SIGOA | Conference on Office Information Systems | C |
SIGOPS EW | ACM SIGOPS European Workshops | C |
SIGUCCS | ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services | C |
SimTecT | Simulation Technology and Training Conference | C |
SIN | International Conference on Security of Information and Networks | C |
SISW | International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop | C |
SISY | International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics | C |
SKG | International Conference on Semantics Knowledge and Grid | C |
SLS | Stochastic Local Search Algorithms | C |
SNPD | International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing | C |
SOCA | IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing Applications | C |
SOCASE | Workshop on Service Oriented Computing | C |
SOCCER | Service Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements | C |
SOCGMA | Symposium on Computational Geometry for Mechanics and Applications | C |
SOFA | International Workshop on SoG Computing Applications | C |
SPDS | ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems | C |
SPEC | Workshop on Security and Privacy in e Commerce | C |
SPEED | Software Performance Enhancement for Encryption and Decryption | C |
SQC | Software Quality Conference | C |
SQM | International Conference on Software Quality Management | C |
SREIS | Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security | C |
SRIG ET | Software Education Conference | C |
SRMD | Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases (was Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases) | C |
SSC | IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control | C |
SSGRR | International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet | C |
SSNDS | IEEE International Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems | C |
SSS | Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems | C |
STM | International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management | C |
Style | SIGIR workshop: Stylistic Analysis of Text For Information Access | C |
oP | Latin American Conference on Pabern Languages of Programming SugarLoafPL | C |
SWOD | IEEE International Workshop on Databases for Next Generation Researchers | C |
SWS | ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services | C |
SWWS | The International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services | C |
SYNASC | International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing | C |
TACS | International Conference on Theory and Applications of Computational Science | C |
TAI | TAI: Algorithmic Information Theory: Kolmogorov Complexity | C |
TALN | Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles | C |
Tapia | Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference | C |
TAPSOFT | International Joint Conference CAAP/FASE on Theory and Practice of Software Development | C |
TASE | International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering | C |
TDB | International Workshop on Temporal Databases | C |
TGGT | Topological and Geometric Graph Theory | C |
TIDSE | Technology for Interactive Digital Storytelling | C |
TIPPI | Trustworthy Interfaces for Passwords and Personal Information workshop | C |
TLDI | ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (was TIC) | C |
TMFCS | International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | C |
TPGT | Techniques and Problems in Graph Theory | C |
Viz | International Visualization in Transportation Symposium and Workshop TRB | C |
TRI Ada | Annual International Conference on Ada | C |
Twente | Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization | C |
UBICOMM | International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies | C |
UC | International Conference on Unconventional Computation | C |
Science | UK e Science All Hands Meeting UK e?\ | C |
UKAIS | UK Academy of Information Systems Conference | C |
USEC | Usable Security Workshop | C |
EC | USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce USENIX | C |
UWNTS | USENIX Windows NT Symposium | C |
VA | Visual Analytics | C |
VDA | Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis | C |
VDbS | IFIP Working Conference on Visual Database Systems | C |
VDEA | SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis | C |
VI | Vision Interface | C |
VikingPLoP | Nordic Conference on Pabern Languages of Programs | C |
VINCI | Visual Information Communications International | C |
VIP | Pan Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing | C |
VISAPP | International Conference on Vision Theory and Applications | C |
VISE | Visualization In Science and Education | C |
VisPLE | Visualization in Software Product Lines Workshop | C |
VISUAL | International Conference on Visual Information Systems | C |
VISualize | ENVI and IDL Data Analysis and Visualization Symposium | C |
VizSec | International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security | C |
VLFM | Visual Languages and Formal Methods | C |
VR SIG | United Kingdom Virtual Reality Special Interest Group Conference UK VRSIG | C |
VRAIS | Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium | C |
VSW | Semantic Web Visualisation | C |
WAAAPL | Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Advanced Programming Languages | C |
WAAC | Japan Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computations | C |
WAFR | International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics | C |
WAIFI | Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields | C |
WAIM | International Conference on Web Age Information Management | C |
WALCOM | International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation | C |
WARDS | IEEE Workshop on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data | C |
WarSec | Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference | C |
WAW | Workshop on Algorithms And Models For The Web Graph | C |
WAWISR | Western Australian Workshop on Information Systems Research | C |
WCAE | Workshop on Computer Architecture Education | C |
WCAN | Workshop on Cryptography for Ad hoc Networks | C |
WCC | World Computer Congress | C |
WCCCE | Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education | C |
WCGTC | Workshop on Computational Graph Theory and Combinatorics | C |
WCOIMCSIT | Workshop on Computational Optimization | C |
WCOP | Workshop on Component Oriented Programming | C |
WDAS | Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures | C |
WDDD | Workshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing, and Debunking | C |
WDSI | Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference | C |
WebDB | International Workshop on the Web and Databases | C |
WEBIST | International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies | C |
WebKDD | Workshop on Web Usage Analysis | C |
WebNet | World Conference on the WWW and Internet | C |
WebSim | International Conference on Web based Modelling and Simulation | C |
WebViz | Web Visualization | C |
WEC | International Workshop on Entertainment Computing | C |
WeWoRC | Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology | C |
WFLP | International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming | C |
WHIS | Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems | C |
WI IAT | IEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology | C |
WIC | Australasian Women in Computing Workshop | C |
WICS | Women in Computing | C |
WISA | International Workshop on Information Security Applications | C |
WISM | International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modelling | C |
WISSec | Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security | C |
WISTP | Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices | C |
WITS | International Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security | C |
WKDD | International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | C |
WMCS | International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services | C |
WMCSA | IEEE Workshop On Mobile Computing Systems And Applications | C |
WOOD | Workshop on Object Oriented Development | C |
WoPP | IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops | C |
MP | World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCO | C |
WOSIS | International Workshop on Security in Information Systems | C |
WoSQ | International Workshop on Software Quality | C |
WOTE | IAVoSS Workshop On Trustworthy Elections | C |
WPC | Workshop on Parameterized Complexity | C |
WRSO | Workshop on Robust Shape Operations | C |
WSE | IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution | C |
WWCA | International Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its Applications | C |
X Schemas | International Workshop on Schema Languages for XML | C |
Xsym | International XML Database Symposium | C |
ZB | International Conference of Z and B Users | C |
ZUSER | International Conference of Z Users | C |